Onwards & Upwards 20 August 2021

Hi All,

We have a fully functioning store. “I think she’s got it! By George, she’s got it!” Rex Harrison, My Fair Lady.

Sure, there are amendments to be made, but this week I even got a sneaky bit of crafting done. Happy days.

‘I think therefore I am’. Descartes, ‘I re-think therefore I learn’. Adam Grant. Thank you. 

What. No surfing holiday in Cornwall, it’s totally booked, or you’re just too busy.

Catastrophe averted. For beach scenes and more head to www.hamiltonjonesprints.com

Anyway, 65 Olympic medals so far. Wow!

Good luck to our 2020 GB Paralympic Team. Games start 24th August.

Have a lovely weekend.

Hamilton Jones Prints

Limited Edition Prints & Gifts