Onwards & Upwards 10 September 2021
Hi All,
New office chair, lovely. It’s a swanky pink retro number, no time to assemble it, so I ended up sitting on the floor. Ok! It’s done now.
This week I felt how I imagine Jacque Cousteau might have felt before embarking on a big expedition. Alright, I did a bit of cold calling.
What did I expect to find? Who knows, but once I got my ducks in a row, I quite enjoyed it.
Before I started on this journey a colleague mentioned that I should watch a motivational speech made by Steve Jobs.
Yeh, I thought, he’s really going to get me. Signing up for a training course I saw this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tuw8hxrFBH8 How wrong could I have been?
My actual quote of the week goes to Duncan though, for reminding me that ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ Thank you Duncan. You’re not wrong there.
This brings me on to my exploits with Instagram, which you may have noticed did not go strictly according to plan last week. I’m not quitting though.
To see whether I manage to master social media and to get our regular posts, head to #hamiltonjonesprints.com (starts Monday)
In the meantime, enjoy the weekend.
Hamilton Jones Prints