Update 21 May 2021

Hi All,

Here is a little taste of what I have been up to this week.

Like the humble bumble bee, this week I’ve been powering through the small tasks and keeping the big picture in mind.

I’ve had fab meetings, thanks Soph … and not so fab meetings. Every day is a school day, and it’s all good.

Amending my domain name and tidying up the logo. The online store is coming. Yes really, it is.

Anyway, if you’re having trouble thinking fast and slow and you need to positive nudge, head to @DeeWorld79 and immerse yourself in the colours of my next piece of craftwork.

On a musical note, Bob Dylan is 80, wow. And the Mod Father has got an album out. I bet it’s tasty.

Random thought, support British farmers and if you can, buy organic.

Enjoy Eurovision!


Hamilton Jones

Limited Edition Prints & Up-Cycled Gifts For All Occasions